Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2024). Mining for a Low-Carbon Economy? Articulations of the Mexican Corporate Sector. In S. Müller, M. Schmidt, & K. Twelbeck (Eds.), Ecological Ambivalence, Complexity, and Change. Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities (pp. 157–173). Routledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032627984-13
Binetsch, J.; Bun, H.; Hernández Westpfahl, R.; Krug, J.; Lehmann, R.; Sulca Bravo, E.; Walter, C.; Weise, T. (2023). A sustainable future for small-scale farming? Qualitative research on agroecology and digitalization. HCIAS Working Papers on Ibero-America, Volume II (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.48629/hcias.2023.1.94842
Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2023). Rezension zu: Azamar Aleida Alonso (Ed.): Litio en América Latina. ISBN: 978-607-626-065-4, in: Blog: ALMA Reviews, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut. https://www.arnold-bergstraesser.de/news/alma-reviews-blog-litio-en-america-latina
Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2022). Rezension zu: Dorsch, T., Flörchinger, J., & Nehe, B. (Eds.) (2022). Geographie der Gewalt: Macht und Gegenmacht in Lateinamerika. Wien, Berlin: Mandelbaum Verlag. ISBN: 978385476-944-6, in: HCIAS Blog Perspectives on Ibero-America. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58079/pgb8
Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2022). Rezension zu: Eschenhagen’s presentation on the unsustainability of the SDGs. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58079/pgb7
Lehmann, R: Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2022). Die Adern bleiben offen. Europas Energiewende und der Extraktivismus in Lateinamerika. (engl.: Open Veins 2.0. Energy transition in Europe and extractivism in Latin America). iz3w 393.
Hernández Westpfahl, R.; Lehmann, R. (2022). Mexiko: Abbau von Lithium zwischen Verstaatlichung, Spekulation und Konfusion. (engl.: Mexico: Extraction of lithium between nationalization, speculation, and confusion). iz3w 389.
Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2024). Selectivities of the state towards the San José mining conflict in Oaxaca (Mexico). Presented at the International Conference on Historical Materialist Policy Analysis at the University of Vienna, (October 10-11th, 2024).
Alarcón, P.; Hernández Westpfahl, R.; Lehmann, R. (2023). Conflictos en torno a una ‘transición justa’: dinámicas socioespaciales y políticas en torno a la transición energética en México y Ecuador (engl.: Conflicts regarding a 'just transition': socio-spatial dynamics and politics surrounding the energy transition in Mexico and Ecuador). Presented at the ADLAF Conference 2023 on “Environmental Justice” (June 22-24th, 2023).
De Anda, R.; Hernández Westpfahl, R. (2023): Mitos y realidades de la transición energética. El extractivismo, de lo global a lo local (engl.: Myths and realities of the energy transition. Extractivism, from global to local.). Presented within the geographical dialog series at Escuela Normal Superior de México, (March 30th, 2023).
Hernández Westpfahl, Rafael (2022): Mining Towards Sustainability? The Political Ecology of “Green Metals” Extraction in Mexico. Presented at the Conference “Ambivalences of Ecological transformation – Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities” at Augsburg University, (June 24-26th, 2022).
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