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Call for Papers: From Campus to Confrontation: Youth Movements against Authoritarianism in Asia

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The Asia Team of the ABI plans an academic workshop on the topic "From Campus to Confrontation: Youth Movements against Authoritarianism in Asia" for the next IQAS special issue. The special issue and author workshop aim to explore the new wave of youth activism against authoritarian regimes in Asia, focusing on the diverse forms of protest and the violent repression these movements face. The project will bring together scholars, particularly early career researchers from the Global South, and activists to critically examine the contexts, demands, strategies, and outcomes of these movements. Drawing on various disciplinary perspectives and case studies, the workshop and special issue will address youth and student political movements across South, Southeast, and Central Asia. Anas Ansar and Teresa Jopson will be guest editors of this issue.

Find more information on the Call for Papers here:

IQAS Call for Papers – Youth Movements (467.49 KB)

Deadline for manuscript proposal: 15 February 2025
Deadline for final manuscript: 31 May 2025
Academic Workshop: Two days in June 2025, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute Freiburg

Potential contributors to the special issue are invited to send a short proposal of 300-500 words and a 100-word biography to the guest editors at asianstudies [at] by 15 February 2025. Authors will be notified by the end of February 2025 and are expected to submit the first draft of their article manuscript by the end of May 2025 to be presented and discussed at the planned workshop in June 2025. 

The academic workshop is scheduled to be held in person at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg, Germany. Subject to the success of our funding applications, we anticipate providing accommodation and meals for all participants, as well as travel bursaries for selected attendees. Please note that acceptance to the workshop does not automatically guarantee publication. All submitted papers will undergo the standard peer review process after the workshop, and the final selection of papers for the special issue (scheduled for publication in 2026) will be based on this review.

IQAS (International Quarterly for Asian Studies) has been Germany's leading academic journal on Asia since 1970. It provides a forum for multidisciplinary research on current and historical topics relevant to politics, economics and society in contemporary Asia. It seeks to make the results of social science research on Asia known to a broader public discourse about Asia. The contributions are intended for a public aware that the world's regions and cultures have always been interlinked and, thus, need to be understood in relation to one another. The journal appears quarterly or semi-annually as a double issue in print and an open-access version. The journal is published by the ABI. 

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