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Selected authors for the online-encyclopedia "rewriting peace and conflict"

Header Encyclopedia 2024

The newly selected authors for the online encyclopedia "rewriting peace and conflict"

The collaborative research network ‘Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict Studies’ and the South-South Programme of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) hereby announce the results of the call for the selection of five (5) articles for the Virtual Encyclopedia on Peace and Conflict Studies and congratulate those who have been selected.

The International Committee met in Freiburg and Buenos Aires on 30 August to evaluate 21 applications received between 1 July and 26 August 2024 from people from and/or based in different countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. The Committee assessed the quality, relevance and coherence of the proposals in accordance with the terms of the call and gave priority to proposals with a gender perspective and collaborative research formats.

The evaluation process involved an international panel consisting of the following experts: Karina Bidaseca (CLACSO, Argentina), Viviana García Pinzón and Miriam Bartelmann (ABI, Germany).

As a result of the evaluation, which recognised the excellent quality, relevance and thoroughness of most of the applications, six (6) proposals were selected and will be supported in their development over a period of six months.


Below is the list of selected proposals:


Table of selected authors and their contributions, September 2024


In addition, three proposals received special mention with the possibility of being published as part of the encyclopedia.


Table of special mentions for the encyclopedia, September 2024

This decision is final and cannot be appealed.

We would like to thank all applicants. Those responsible for the selected proposals will be contacted shortly with further details concerning the development of their projects.

News Type:
General News