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The Political Influence of Return: From Diaspora to Libyan Transit Returnees

Altrogge, M.A. Judith / Dr. Franzisca Zanker (2019): „The Political Influence of Return: From Diaspora to Libyan Transit Returnees“, in: International Migration, 57 (4), 167-180.
peer reviewed
In December 2016, Gambian dictator Jammeh was surprisingly ousted through the ballot box by a democratically motivated opposition. With this remarkable change, tables also turned for Gambian migrants. Gambians abroad were called upon to return and help rebuild the nation, while political interests in host states increased to return “irregular” migrants. In what ways can migrant return be politically influential, especially after a critical juncture as in the Gambia? Current studies fail to consider different types of returnees, including those perceived as highly skilled compared to those seen as low-skilled. We found that in post-dictatorial Gambia, both types of returnees have political influence on the new regime. Highly skilled diaspora returnees were explicitly invited as contributors to political developments in the country and thus have a direct political influence. In contrast, low-skilled returned migrants from Libya are considered as receivers of public goods; yet through claims to political representation they managed to carve out political influence, albeit indirectly.
Date of publication:
Forschungsbereich: Patterns of (Forced) Migration
Language: English
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