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Vortrag "Tankers, Tycoons, and Radical Transformations"

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heute Abend spricht Prof. Dr. Laleh Khalili von der SOAS University of London über "Tankers, Tycoons, and Radical Transformations. The Making of Modern Regimes of Law, Labour, and Finance".

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25.03.2019, 19 Uhr, Uni Freiburg, KG I 1015,
Prof. Dr. Laleh Khalili, Professorin für Nahostpolitik, Department of Politics and International Studies und Gründungsmitglied des Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice an der SOAS, University of London, spricht über "Tankers, Tycoons, and Radical Transformations. The Making of Modern Regimes of Law, Labour, and Finance".
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