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Mehler, Prof. Dr. Andreas

andreas.mehler [at] abi.uni-freiburg.de
+49 (0)761 888 78 14
Machtteilung nach Friedensabkommen, Gewaltsame Konflikte, Krisenprävention, Staat und Staatlichkeit, deutsche und französische Afrikapolitik
Regionale Schwerpunkte:
Zentral- und Westafrika


Research Gate Profile      |     Google Scholar Profile


Andreas Mehler is director of the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute and Professor of Political Science at Freiburg University since October 2015 after having served as director of the GIGA Institute of African Affairs in Hamburg (2002 - 2015). He is member of the Executive Council of the Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA). Mehler is director of the Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT) as well as Co-Speaker of the Emerging Field Comparative Area Studies and Transregional Studies (2019 - ongoing). From 2009 to 2018 he was co-editor  of the academic open access review ‘Africa Spectrum’ (together with Henning Melber; last issue under this editorship is 1/2018). With various co-editors, he has published the yearly ‘Africa Yearbook. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara’ at Brill publishers (Leiden; 2005 - ongoing). He is member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of African Affairs, Critique Internationale, and International Area Studies Review. Mehler is founding member of CrossArea, member of the Afrikagesprächskreis of the Federal Foreign Office and member of the scientific advisory board of the german foundation for peace research. He is member of the German Association of African Studies (Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland, VAD). 


CV in PDF format

Habilitation at the University of Hamburg, venia legend in Political Science
Ph.D. at the University of Hamburg (Political Science, Prof. Tetzlaff)
M.A. Political Science and History at the University of Mannheim 1983-1988
2002 - 2015
Direktor, GIGA Institut für Afrika-Kunde
2001 - 2002
Wissenschafticher Mitarbeiter, Conflict Prevention Network (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)
1994 - 2000
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Afrika-Kunde
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Laufende Drittmittelprojekte:

Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) / BMBF (2018-2026)

Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict / BMBF (2022-2026)

Graduiertenkolleg „Imperien: Dynamischer Wandel, Temporalität und nachimperiale Ordnungen“ / DFG (2020-2025), in Kooperation mit Lehrstühlen an der Universität Freiburg

Umgang mit der Alexander Ecker Sammlung der Universität Freiburg / Deutsche Stiftung Kulturgutverluste (2020-2025)