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IQAS 51: 3-4 | New Area Studies and Southeast Asia

Kurze Beschreibung / Abstract:

The current issue of the International Quarterly for Asian Studies (IQAS) is the result of a cooperation with the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies. The contributions take up various discussions around the "New Area Studies" in relation to Southeast Asia. The articles as well as the impulse contributions and comments by renowned Southeast Asian scholars shed light on current developments in New Area Studies and highlight potentials as well as problem areas.


Ausgewählte Texte

Andrea Fleschenberg, Benjamin Baumann

Reflections on Critical New Area Studies – in Conversation with Prof. Dr. Peter Jackson
Peter A. Jackson, Andrea Fleschenberg

Southeast Asia as a Litmus Test for Grounded Area Studies
Christoph Antweiler


Full Issue



Forschungsbereich: Sonstiges
Sprache: English