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Extended Call for Abstracts

Migration, mobility and displacement have been, and continue to be, key dynamics and practices shaping African social, political and economic as well as physical landscapes. African migration, mobility and displacement intersect with fundamental societal issues on national, regional and global scales, from securitization processes to generational conflicts, from the politics of belonging to urban and rural infrastructures, and from labour market configurations to the technology of refugee camps. In all their diversity, these movements are at the forefront of political changes affecting African futures both on the continent and in other parts of the globe. For the inaugural workshop of the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS) Collaborative Research Group (CRG), we invite you to participate in an exploratory discussion on the three guiding concepts of the CRG – migration, mobility, and displacement – as well as their overlaps and conceptual boundaries.

In addition to presentations and plenary debates, each concept will be addressed by a key note speaker. We are excited to have Amanda Hammar and Nauja Kleist with us to address the concepts of displacement and mobility, respectively! We will announce the key note for the concept of migration shortly. We also seek to offer a migrant-centred agenda by inviting local African diaspora groups to participate in our discussions.

To participate in the workshop, please submit a brief abstract, explicitly addressing one or more of the three guiding concepts of the CRG. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and present work-in-progress that seeks to make an empirical, conceptual and/or theoretical contributions. The abstracts do not have to be the basis of formal papers but rather can be a collection of thoughts and ideas on your topic. Please send your abstract by the 20 March 2018 to ammodi [at] gmail.com (subject: Call%20for%20papers) (crgammodi[at]gmail[dot]com).

Workshop participation will be free of charge. We aim to be able to offer a small number of travel grants for those participants who have no alternative options. For more information on the Collaborative Research Group please see: www.ammodi.com