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Mehler, Prof. Dr. Andreas

Position at ABI:
andreas.mehler [at]
+49 (0)761 888 78 14
Areas of research:
Power-sharing after peacebuilding, violent conflicts, crisis prevention, German and French politics in Africa
Regional focus:
Central Africa, West Africa

Andreas Mehler is director of the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute and  Professor of Political Science at Freiburg University since October 2015 after having served as director of the GIGA Institute of African Affairs in Hamburg (2002 - 2015). He is currently President of the Executive Council of the Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA). Mehler is director of the Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT) at the University of Freiburg and PI/board member of GRK 2571 “Empires”. He is equally PI in the BMBF-funded research network project Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict. With various co-editors, he has published the yearly ‘Africa Yearbook. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara’ at Brill publishers (Leiden; 2005 - ongoing). Mehler is member of the Afrikagesprächskreis of the Federal Foreign Office and member of the scientific advisory board of the german foundation for peace research


Professional experience:
since 2015
Director, ABI and Professor of Political Science/University of Freiburg
2013 - 2015
Honorary Professor at the Free University Berlin
2002 - 2015
Director, GIGA Institute of African Affairs
2001 - 2002
Senior Researcher of the Conflict Prevention Network (CPN; EU Project run at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin)
1994 - 2000
Research Fellow at the Institute of African Affairs
Habilitation at the University of Hamburg, venia legend in Political Science
Ph.D. at the University of Hamburg (Political Science, Prof. Tetzlaff)
M.A. Political Science and History at the University of Mannheim 1983-1988
Extended CV Mehler (439.38 KB)

2022-2025 Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict, BMBF

since 2020 GRK 2571:  Imperien: Dynamischer Wandel, Temporalität und nachimperiale Ordnungen, DFG

2021-2023 Reziprok, Interdisziplinär und transparent. Provenienzforschung mit Restitutionsperspektive im kolonialen Kontext – Zum angemessenen Umgang mit einer Sammlung am Beispiel der Alexander-Ecker-Sammlung in Freiburg, Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste

2018-2026 Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa/BMBF, approx. € 12 mio.

2014-2017 Alternatives to the production of state security in areas of extremely limited statehood (Central African Republic and South Sudan), project C10 within the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 700 (Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood); € 330,000

2010-2016 The local arena of power-sharing. Patterns of Adaptation of Continued Disorder. (in the framework of the DFG Priority Programme 1448 "Adaptation and Creativity in Africa"), DFG (2010-2016) (ME 1701/4-1 and 4-2)(with Denis Tull); € 228,000

2012-2016 Institutions for Sustainable Peace, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft/SAW-Verfahren (with Matthias Basedau and Sabine Kurtenbach), € 805,000

2012-2015 ‘Power-sharing’ in postconflict situations: On the institutional prerequisites for lasting peace, DFG ME 1701/6-1, 6-2 € 381,000

since 2018  President / Member Executive Council of MIASA

2018 – 20 President of CrossArea

since 2020 Director, Africa Centre for Transregiónal Research at Freiburg University

since 2005 Editor, Africa Yearbook (Brill Publishers, Leiden)

2009-2018 Editor Africa Spectrum (SSCI-rated, open access Journal)

2000-2016, since 2020 Member of the Board, African Studies Association in Germany (VAD)

2008-2016 Member of the Board, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS)

with Alexander Makulilo und Mohamed Haji (2024): „Rooted in Society? From “Elite” to “People-Centred” Power Sharing in Zanzibar“, in: Africa Review, 16 (4), 389-409. peer reviewed

(2022): „Academic Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Post-COVID Future “, in: African Futures, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022 (Band 27), 367–374. peer reviewed

with Wazi Apoh (2021): „Vom Rande aus betrachtet. Das Humboldt-Forum und die Restitutionsdebatte“, in: Welttrends, 2021 (179), 54-58.

(2020): A Decade of Central African Republic A Decade of Central African Republic Politics, Economy and Society 2009-2018. Leiden: Brill.

with Wazi Apoh (2020): „Mainstreaming the Discourse on Restitution and Repatriation within African History, Heritage Studies and Political Science“, in: Contemporary Journal of African Studies, 7 (1), 1-16.

with Tim Glawion and Lotje De Vries (2019): „Handle with Care! A Qualitative Comparison of the Fragile States Index's Bottom Three Countries: Central African Republic, Somalia and South Sudan“, in: Development and Change, 50 (2), 277-300. peer reviewed

with Caroline Hartzell (eds.) (2019): Power Sharing and Power Relations After Civil War. Boulder/Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

with Claudia Simons, Franzisca Zanker and Denis Tull (2013): Power-sharing in Africa’s war zones: how important is the local level?, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, 51 4, 681-706.

(2012): „From "Protecting civilians" to "for the sake of democracy" (and back again). Justifying intervention in Côte d'Ivoire”, in: African Security, 3-4, 199-216.

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