This page offers regular updates about open positions as well as the possibility of an internship at the institute.
Open positions
At the moment there are no open positions.
The Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Freiburg offers internships to students in the Social Sciences to give them the opportunity to gain an in-depth insight into the work of the Institute.
The duration of the internship is usually either full-time 6 to 8 working weeks or part-time 10 to 12 half working weeks, according to the preference of the intern. In individual cases, it can also be extended to up to 3 months after prior agreement. The ABI offers internships all around the year.
Social diversity is important to us; we welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds.
Unfortunately, internships are not remunerated.
Interns support the institute's work mainly in the following fields
- Research for publications and research projects,
- preparation of presentations and lectures,
- organization and conduction of conferences and workshops
From the applicants, we choose those that match best regarding the following criteria:
- Enrollment as a student in a relevant subject (e.g. political science, sociology, ethnology), at least in 3rd semester by the time of applying,
- Obligatory internship within the framework of the study regulations
- Knowledge and experience in development policy,
- Good to excellent Skills in English language,
- Immatriculation at a German university throughout the whole period of the internship.
Desired qualifications
- Period abroad in countries of the global south / field research
- Work / traineeship with other development organisations,
- further language skills (German, Spanish, French, Arabic etc.)
For application, please submit the following documents
- 1-page cover letter stating your motivation to work at ABI +
- CV with details of qualifications and skills (in one PDF)
- preferred dates and min. duration for the internship, and whether full- or part-time is preferred.
- no further certificates or confirmations. We will get back to you in case we have questions regarding your CV.
Please do not send us any documents, evidence of qualifications or other certificates. Should we have any questions regarding your CV, you will hear from us.
Application deadlines
- 30th June for an internship in the period September to February,
- 30th November for an internship in the period March to July.
Please send your application to Clara Taxis: Sekretariat.abi [at] abi.uni-freiburg.de.
For further inquiry please contact Clara Taxis (in the mornings, 0761/ 88878-14) and Dr. Martin Adelmann (-15).