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Mehler, Prof. Dr. Andreas

Areas of research: Power-sharing after peacebuilding, violent conflicts, crisis prevention, German and French politics in Africa
Regional focus: Central Africa, West Africa
E-mail: andreas.mehler [at]
Position at ABI: Director

Adelmann, Dr. Martin

Areas of research: Regionalism, Development Policy
Regional focus: Southern Africa, SADC
E-mail: martin.adelmann [at]
Position at ABI: Executive Manager

Ansar, Dr. Anas

Areas of research: Borderland Identities, Ambiguity in Migration and Refugee Governance, Gender and Intersectionality, Precarity, Transnationalism, Digital Diaspora, Social Costs of Migration, Climate Change & Displacement
Regional focus: South and Southeast Asia, Gulf States
E-mail: anas.ansar [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Bartelmann, M.A. Miriam

Areas of research: Post- and decolonial theories, environmental conflicts, sociological theories, transregional power relations
Regional focus: Latin America (Argentina), Europe
E-mail: miriam.bartelmann [at]
Position at ABI: Doctoral Researcher

Dickow, Dr. Helga

Areas of research: Ethnic and Religious Conflicts, Conflict Regulation, Transition and Democratization, Pentecostal Churches and Religious Movements, Political Role of Churches
Regional focus: Subsaharan Africa, esp. Chad, South Africa, Burundi
E-mail: helga.dickow [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher, Coordination Cluster Conflict and Fragility

El-Khazen, M.Sc. Elia

Areas of research: logistics, social movements, transregional authoritarian practices, transregional energy infrastructure policies, renewable energy
Regional focus: MENA region, Iraq, Jordan, the UAE, Lebanon, Syria
E-mail: elia.el.khazen [at]
Position at ABI: Doctoral Researcher

García Pinzón, Dr. Viviana

Areas of research: Conflict studies, local governance, urban violence and peace, security and borderlands, illegal markets, criminal governance
Regional focus: Latin America, emphasis on Colombia and El Salvador
E-mail: viviana.garcia.pinzon [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Glawion, Dr. Tim

Areas of research: Security studies, local governance, “fragile states”, development, Comparative Area Studies
Regional focus: Central African Republic, Lebanon, Haiti, Somaliland, South Sudan
E-mail: tim.glawion [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Jenss, Dr. Alke

Areas of research: urban violence, politics of infrastructure, authoritarian practices, political economy and decolonial approaches
Regional focus: Latin America (particularly Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica)
E-mail: alke.jenss [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher, Coordination Cluster Contested Governance

Jopson, Dr. Teresa

Areas of research: post-conflict governance; the ‘war on drugs’; gender, human rights, and health in conflict, peacebuilding, and urban migration
Regional focus: Southeast Asia
E-mail: teresa.jopson [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Kamski, Dr. Benedikt

Areas of research: Political Economy, Geopolitics, Industrialisation
Regional focus: Horn of Africa (esp. Ethiopia and Djibouti), Comoros and Seychelles
E-mail: benedikt.kamski [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Kupfer, Petra

E-mail: bibliothek [at]
Position at ABI: Librarian

Legay, Dr. Richard

Areas of research: Restitution of cultural heritage, Public History, Memory politics
Regional focus: Africa, Europe
E-mail: richard.legay [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Lüdke, Dr. Tilman

Areas of research: Germany and the Middle East, Pan-Movements in the Middle East, Political Islam, Islam and Nationalism, Historical Aspects of the Cyprus Conflict
Regional focus: Middle East, Cyprus
E-mail: tilman.luedke [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Müller, M.Sc. Charlotte

Areas of research: Transregional energy projects, renewable energies, financialisation, public-private partnerships, labour regimes
Regional focus: North Africa (specifically Morocco), Middle East, Europe
E-mail: charlotte.mueller [at]
Position at ABI: Doctoral Researcher

Philipp, M.A. Ann

Areas of research: Development Policy, Disability Studies, Traditional Medicine
Regional focus: South Asia, India
E-mail: asianstudies [at]
Position at ABI: Editorial Manager of the International Quarterly for Asian Studies

Rodríguez, Dr. Fabricio

Areas of research: Global inequalities and South-South relations, natural resource conflicts and socio-ecological transitions, critical IR-theory
Regional focus: Latin America from a transregional perspective (China-Latin America-Europe)
E-mail: fabricio.rodriguez [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher

Ruiz Anderer, Simone

E-mail: sekretariat.abi [at]
Position at ABI: Accounting, Secretary

Schütze, Dr. Benjamin

Areas of research: external interventions and 'democracy promotion', transregional authoritarian practices, economic liberalisation, military collaboration, renewable energies
Regional focus: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
E-mail: benjamin.schuetze [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher & Emmy Noether Research Group Leader

Spöri, Melanie

E-mail: melanie.spoeri [at]
Position at ABI: Accounting, Administration

Taxis, M.A. Clara

E-mail: sekretariat.abi [at]
Position at ABI: Science Communication

Wagner, M.A. Philipp

Areas of research: renewable energy projects, infrastructure politics, climate governance, transregional authoritarian practices, democratisation processes
Regional focus: North Africa (especially Tunisia), Middle East, Europe
E-mail: philipp.wagner [at]
Position at ABI: Doctoral Researcher

Zanker, Dr. Franzisca

Areas of research: Migration governance, refugee protection, migrant and refugee agency, peace processes, civil society
Regional focus: Africa
E-mail: franzisca.zanker [at]
Position at ABI: Senior Researcher, Coordination Cluster Patterns of (Forced) Migration