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Benedikt Kamski is a research consultant who has worked in the Horn of Africa since 2012. He completed his PhD on river basin development and sugar industrialization in 01/2017. His doctoral research focused on the Kuraz Sugar Development Project (KSDP), its wider politico-economic context and the challenges related to the hydro-agricultural transformation underway in Ethiopia's lower Omo Valley. During his postgraduate studies he was affiliated with the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Addis Ababa University and the African Studies Centre, Oxford University. Mainly based in Addis Ababa since 2018, he is a Senior Researcher at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute (ABI) and a co-editor of the yearly Africa Yearbook. Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara at Brill publishers (Leiden, 2018 - ongoing).
'Agricultural Investments in Ethiopia’s lower Omo Valley: empirical evidence on the performance of commercial cotton farming’ (Fieldwork funding by Fritz Thyssen Foundation)
Fellow (FRGS) at the Royal Geographical Society (since 04/2020), Postgraduate Fellow (2015-2020)
Founding member of the Omo Turkana Research Network, OTuRN (since 2015), Michigan State University