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Rodríguez, Dr. Fabricio

Position at ABI:
fabricio.rodriguez [at]
+49 (0)761-8887842
Areas of research:
Global inequalities and South-South relations, natural resource conflicts and socio-ecological transitions, critical IR-theory
Regional focus:
Latin America from a transregional perspective (China-Latin America-Europe)
Professional experience:
Since 2022
Senior Researcher - Knowledge in Dialogue & Transfer(s), BMBF-Network Postcolonial hierarchies in peace and conflict (Hierarchies)
Since 2018
Guest Lecturer of International Politics, University of Freiburg
Researcher (Post-Doc), Junior Research Group "Bioeconomy and Inequalities", Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (BMBF)
ALMA Fellow & Associate Researcher, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg
Researcher (Pre-Doc), Department of Development Theory and Policy, University of Freiburg
Since 2013
Consultant in International Development, Higher Education Cooperation. Focus Latin America (IADB, Mesopartner, GIZ, BMZ, DAAD)
Advisor to the national urban planning and land use policy of Guatemala, SEGEPLAN/GIZ Guatemala
Regional economies and land use policy in municipalities affected by civil war in the Mayan Highlands of Guatemala, GIZ Guatemala
Teamleader National Concertation System
National Modernization Council, Ecuador
Ph.D. International Politics, University of Freiburg
M.A. Political Science & Philosophy, University of Freiburg
B.A. Studies in Economics & Cultural Studies, Trent University
I.B. International Baccalaureate, Pearson College UWC Canada

Postcolonial hierarchies in peace & conflict, BMBF-funded collaborative project of the Center for Conflict Studies at the Philipps University Marburg, the University of Bayreuth, the University of Erfurt and the ABI Freiburg.

Bioeconomy & Social Inequalities,  BMBF-Junior Research Group, Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Trade & Investment / China-Brazil - completed).

BMBF-competence network “Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict”

Red China y América Latina (REDCAEM)

Cuestas-Caza, Javier; Toledo, Lucía; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2024): Transcultural bioeconomy governance in a plurinational state: Sumak Kawsay and bio-based production in two Kichwa territories of Ecuador, Forest Policy & Economics, online first. (open access)

Julia Gurol, Alke Jenss, Fabricio Rodríguez, Benjamin Schuetze & Cita Wetterich (2023): Authoritarian power and contestation beyond the state, Globalizations, 21(6), 1009–1022.  (free access)

Rodríguez, Fabricio; Bazán Seminario, César (2023): Authoritarian practices between ‘para-coloniality’ and ‘cheap security’: when Chinese state capital meets neoliberal copper mining (and protests) in Las Bambas, Peru, Globalizations. Online first. (open access)

Gurol, Julia; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2022): “Contingent power extension” and regional (dis)integration: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its consequences for the EU, Asia Europe Journal. Online first.  (open access)

Tyfield, David; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2022): China beyond China. Infrastructuring and Ecologising a New Global Hegemony? Editorial. International Quarterly for Asian Studies 53(2), pp. 171-180.  (open access)

Tyfield, David; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2022): Against and For China’s Ecological Civilisation: Economising the Bios or “Life-ising” Transition? International Quarterly for Asian Studies 53(3), pp. 441-469.  (open access)

Rodríguez, Fabricio; Rüland, Jürgen (2022): Cooperative counter-hegemony, interregionalism and ‘diminished multilateralism’: the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Journal of International Relations and Development, pp. 476-496. (open access)

Luo, Anran; Rodríguez, Fabricio & Leipold, Sina (2022): Explanations of the political gridlock behind international circular economy: Waste Ban narratives in the China-EU cooperation. Ambio (open access)

Rodríguez, Fabricio (2020): „Süd-Süd-Beziehungen und Bioökonomie. Die chinesisch-brasilianische Handelsachse“, PERIPHERIE, Vol. 40, Nr. 159/160, S. 360–383. (open access)

Rodríguez, Fabricio (2020): Endstation China? Die globalen Stoffströme auf ihrem Weg durch die „Werkstatt der Welt“, PROKLA Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 198, S. 89-108.
