National Modernization Council, Ecuador
Postcolonial hierarchies in peace & conflict, BMBF-funded collaborative project of the Center for Conflict Studies at the Philipps University Marburg, the University of Bayreuth, the University of Erfurt and the ABI Freiburg.
Bioeconomy & Social Inequalities, BMBF-Junior Research Group, Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Trade & Investment / China-Brazil - completed).
BMBF-competence network “Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict”
Red China y América Latina (REDCAEM)
Cuestas-Caza, Javier; Toledo, Lucía; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2024): Transcultural bioeconomy governance in a plurinational state: Sumak Kawsay and bio-based production in two Kichwa territories of Ecuador, Forest Policy & Economics, online first. (open access)
Julia Gurol, Alke Jenss, Fabricio Rodríguez, Benjamin Schuetze & Cita Wetterich (2023): Authoritarian power and contestation beyond the state, Globalizations, 21(6), 1009–1022. (free access)
Rodríguez, Fabricio; Bazán Seminario, César (2023): Authoritarian practices between ‘para-coloniality’ and ‘cheap security’: when Chinese state capital meets neoliberal copper mining (and protests) in Las Bambas, Peru, Globalizations. Online first. (open access)
Gurol, Julia; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2022): “Contingent power extension” and regional (dis)integration: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its consequences for the EU, Asia Europe Journal. Online first. (open access)
Tyfield, David; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2022): China beyond China. Infrastructuring and Ecologising a New Global Hegemony? Editorial. International Quarterly for Asian Studies 53(2), pp. 171-180. (open access)
Tyfield, David; Rodríguez, Fabricio (2022): Against and For China’s Ecological Civilisation: Economising the Bios or “Life-ising” Transition? International Quarterly for Asian Studies 53(3), pp. 441-469. (open access)
Rodríguez, Fabricio; Rüland, Jürgen (2022): Cooperative counter-hegemony, interregionalism and ‘diminished multilateralism’: the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s relations with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), Journal of International Relations and Development, pp. 476-496. (open access)
Luo, Anran; Rodríguez, Fabricio & Leipold, Sina (2022): Explanations of the political gridlock behind international circular economy: Waste Ban narratives in the China-EU cooperation. Ambio. (open access)
Rodríguez, Fabricio (2020): „Süd-Süd-Beziehungen und Bioökonomie. Die chinesisch-brasilianische Handelsachse“, PERIPHERIE, Vol. 40, Nr. 159/160, S. 360–383. (open access)
Rodríguez, Fabricio (2020): Endstation China? Die globalen Stoffströme auf ihrem Weg durch die „Werkstatt der Welt“, PROKLA Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 198, S. 89-108.