Vers un nouveau paradigme franco-allemand pour la mémoire du passé colonial ? Une approche comparative à travers l’exemple de la restitution du patrimoine culturel africain, Frankreich-Zentrum, University of Freiburg, 2024-2025.
Entangled narratives of restitution between Europe & Africa in audiovisual archives, FIAT/IFTA Media Studies Grant of the International Federation for Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA), 2024.
Restitution beyond the objects: rethinking the return of African cultural heritage as a decolonial issue’, Early-career tandem research by the De/Coloniality Now Initiative, University of Freiburg, 2023-2024, Z. M. Shallangwa (Nigeria) & R. Ohene-Asah (Ghana).
Council Member of IAMHIST, the International Association for Media & History
Member of the Collectif Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche de Provenances
Associated Postdoc at GRK 2571 ‘Empires: Dynamic Transformation Temporality and Postimperial Orders’, University of Freiburg
Member at Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT) at the University of Freiburg
Member of GROC, the Groupe de Recherches sur les Ordres Coloniaux
Member of EMHIS, the Entangled Media Histories research network
Associated Postdoc at IFPH, the International Federation for Public History, Member Tri-national graduate school 'L’histoire internationale par l’interdisciplinarité' (Luxembourg, Saarbrücken, Paris)
Richard Legay, The Cultural Histories of Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1: Broadcasting Across Europe, (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024) (DOI).
Richard Legay & Andreas Mehler, ‘Frankreich und Deutschland im Umgang mit ihrer kolonialen Vergangenheit in Afrika: vergleichende Erinnerungspolitik’, in R. Asch, P. Eich & E. Piller (eds.), Imperien - Temporalität, Visualisierungen und post-imperiale Ordnungen (Freiburg: Freiburger Imperienforschung GRK 2571, 2024), pp. 175-195.
[upcoming, 2024] Georgina Laragy, Richard Legay, Ciaran O'Neill & Hannah Smyth (eds.), Public History in a Global Perspective: Inquiry, Exchange and Practice (Berlin: De Gruyter).
Richard Legay, ‘La nuit où les postes périphériques firent front commun : une expérience radiophonique en stéréophonie entre RTL et Europe n°1 à la fin des années 60’, RadioMorphoses (11, 2024) (DOI).
Richard Legay, review on ‘Carolyn Birdsall, Radiophilia, London 2023’, Technology & Culture (65:3, 2024), pp. 1037-1038
Richard Legay, ‘Radio Luxembourg y Europe n°1 en la década de 1960: actores transnacionales e intermediales por antonomasia’, RIHC. Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación (21, 2023), pp. 75-89 (DOI)
Richard Legay & Jessica Burton, ‘From the Comic Strips to the Airwaves. The short-lived experiment of Le Feu de Camp du Dimanche Matin on Europe n°1’, Media History (29:2, 2023), pp. 226-239 (DOI)
Richard Legay, ‘Studying 1960s commercial radio’, in K. McDonald & H. Chignell (eds.), Bloomsbury Handbook of Radio (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), pp. 367-382
Richard Legay, review on ‘A. Gouaffo, C. Akieudji & D. D. Mellie (eds.), Mémoire, Paix et Développement en Afrique: Réflexions autour d’une éthique de la souvenance en contexte post-colonial, Yaoundé 2022’,
ALMA Reviews (02.06.2023, URL)
[upcoming, 2025] Richard Legay, ‘Transnational Radio Broadcasting’, in M. Broersma, D. Reddin van Tuyll, M. O’Brien & F. Harbers (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Transnational Journalism History (London: Routledge)