Centre d’Excellence de Gouvernance Locale en Afrique (CEGLA), 2017-2025.
Laizität und islamisch-christliches Zusammenleben im Tschad, Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung, 2015-2018.
Council Member of CARE Deutschland
(2022): Satisfaction With The Status Quo: Why has Religious Terrorism not yet Gained Ground In Chad? In: Contemporary Journal of African Studies 9(2022)2, pp. 147-186 https://www.ajol.info/index.php/contjas/article/view/239122.
with Yonatan Gez and Nadia Beider (2022): African and Not Religious: The State of Research on Sub-Saharan Religious Nones and New Scholarly Horizons, online first: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00020397211052567; in: Africa Spectrum 51(2022)1, pp. 50-71.
with Benno Pokorny, Christian von Luebke, Sidzabda Djibril Dayamba (2019): All the gold for nothing? Impacts of mining on rural livelihoods in Northern Burkina Faso, in: World Development, Volume 119, July 2019, pp. 23-39.
(2014): Autoritäre Strukturen im Tschad: Macht aus der Sicht derer, die sie nicht haben, in: Sociologus 64(2014)1, pp. 53-78.
(2012): Religion and Attitudes towards Life in South Africa. Pentecostals, Charismatics and Reborns. Nomos: Baden-Baden.
(1996): Das Regenbogenvolk. Die Entstehung einer neuen civil religion in Südafrika. Nomos: Baden-Baden.