African perspectives on migration research
- Azakhiwe Nocanda-Höhling, Humboldt University of Berlin
- Khangelani Moyo, University of the Witwatersrand
- Basile Ndjio, University of Douala
Moderation: Franzisca Zanker, Senior Researcher, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute
Not least since the European “refugee crisis” in 2015, there has been a lot of focus in newspapers and discussions on African migration to Europe, the live of African migrants in Europe and to some extent their journeys coming here. The understanding of African migration is overtly simplified, stripped from all nuances and near-exclusively put into a negative light. In this roundtable discussion, three African scholars will discuss their work in migration research, their positionality, contemporary debates in academia and society as well as what a more nuanced understanding of African migration could mean for a better relationship between the two continents.
Azakhiwe Nocanda-Höhling is a doctoral candidate at the Institute for Asian and African Studies and Lecturer at Humboldt University of Berlin. Her research and teaching focuses on critically examining the coloniality of race, class, and gender among the African/Black diaspora in Europe.
Khangelani Moyo is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Global Change Institute (GCI), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has academic training in migration studies, urban studies, sociology and social anthropology. His research interests include migration management, refugee governance, migrant transnationalism, spatial identity in the city and social vulnerabilities in the urban periphery. He is currently a visiting fellow at ACT where he is doing research focusing on refugee integration in the city of Freiburg, Germany.
Basile Ndjio is professor of anthropology at the University of Douala in Cameroon and currently Senior Research Fellow at FRIAS. He has recently edited (together with Kerstin Pinther and Kristin Kastner) a volume titled, Fashioning the Afropolis: History and materialities and Aesthetic Practices (Bloomsbury 2022).
Franzisca Zanker is a Senior Researcher at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute where she heads the research cluster “Patterns of Forced Migration.” Her research interests include political interests of refugee protection, migration governance in particular with regards to return migration with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa.
This lecture takes place within the framework of the Freiburg Africa Talks. The Freiburg Africa Talks as a lecture forum of the to establish Africa Centre for Transregional Research at the University of Freiburg aims to present a differentiated picture of African reality to the general public, the city society of Freiburg and beyond. African and European experts from politics and business as well as science and society will be invited to selected topics and questions in order to present their findings to the public in various dialogue formats and to make controversial offers for discussion.
• https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/67586179279?pwd=WHFCS0xHT2dqSi94czl2eTNLMyt0dz09
• Meeting-ID: 675 8617 9279 / Kenncode: myp3DgUwD
Photo: Unsplash