Between 2016 and 2022, the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ABI) in cooperation with Freiburg University has hosted close to 40 presentations in the ALMA (Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Asia) research series. The research series aimed at interconnecting research interests from different parts of the university and affiliated institutes concerning topics related to the Global South. ALMA placed particular emphasis on interdisciplinarity. This became evident in the discussion format, which included presenters and discussants with a wide range of different disciplinary backgrounds such as Law, Urban Studies, Psychology, Political Science, and African Studies.
We will now take a break – for the summer term. Why?
- Many similar formats currently in the framework of the cluster initiative „Decoloniality“ (Uni Freiburg).
- Balance sheet to be drawn – not least with regard to the online format we had to run during the last semesters.
We plan to resume the series in the winter semester in a modified format.
Selected topics of the series 2016 to 2021
Selected countries discussed in the framework of ALMA 2016 to 2021