How has the pandemic affected migrant communities across the world? In what ways have they been excluded and been affected by (re-)new(ed) measures of control? How have migrant communities responded and resisted?
In this webinar we discuss perspectives from migrant communities in and from Mexico, Nepal, Qatar, and Zimbabwe. The webinar is part of a project focusing on the effects of the pandemic on migrant communities in the Global South. Scholars reflected on this in essays on the situation in the four countries. These essays and further information can be found here.
- Zahra Babar, Georgetown University Qatar
- Anita Ghimire, Nepal Institute for Social and Environmental Research
- Dilshad Muhammad, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut Freiburg
- Joyce Takaindisa, Independent Researcher, Zimbabwe
- Luisa Gabriela Morales Vega, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Moderation: Franzisca Zanker Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut Freiburg
Photo: Markus Spiske on Unsplash; Map, leaflet: Magdalena Maier, Aylin Himmetoglu, Abdur Rehman Zafar