In the context of rising authoritarianism, this Seminar asks how we understand the broader forces of capitalism within different cities in the South and the North? What are the relations between more general crises of democracy, the rise of authoritarianism and a new right, renewed austerity policies, and the production of urban space?
In the seminar, we will analyse specific cases in both the Global South and the Global North, particularly through the dynamics of shaping urban policies (urban laws, instruments for land use, regulation and occupation, and the public/private policies), as well as democratizing experiences of urban spaces that result from social movements’ struggles.
To do this, the relation between research and activism is essential, and we need to ask how to improve these interactions in and across 'South' and 'North'; how resistance and counterstrategies are created in South and North, how to connect cities, rural areas, distinct territories and global perspectives.
Authoritarian neoliberalism as a multi-scalar process: the relations between local authoritarian practices and national/global authoritarianisms
Evaniza Rodrigues - União dos Movimentos de Moradia (UMM)
Paul Schweizer - Orangotango
Benedito Roberto Barbosa - Zero Evictions Campaign
Francisco Comaru (Labjuta)
DW Enteignen campagin (to be confirmed)
Daniel Mullis (Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung HSFK) - on these processes in Frankfurt/Main
Very short inputs, then discussion with all participants.
Chairs: Alke Jenss & Hugo Fanton
30 minute break
Territorial disputes and conflicts
Gabriel Gonçalves - Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB) - energy and territories
Raimundo Bonfim - Central de Movimentos Populares (CMP) - local and national struggles during the pandemic
N.N. from Común (Journal) - on their work between activism, media, and academia
Johanna Hoerning (TU Berlin) - urban studies
Tilia Götze (KOBRA) - cooperation Brazil-Germany
Thilo F. Papacek (Gegenströmung)
Very short inputs, then discussion with all participants.
Chairs: Alke Jenss & Hugo Fanton
Together, we will explore possibilities for working links between the participants, i.e. for projects that have taken place in one, to take place in other cities, in order to establish more reliable data on disputes in the territories and resistance towards these processes. With a view to the political impetus of the seminar, a second strand involves the exchange of organizing strategies and possibly, legal figures that might work across several cases and enable alternative ownership models.
Link to registration: https://lets-meet.org/reg/5fa62dba66deee0f71
Translation between English and Portuguese is funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
Bild: Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash