Recent Publications
Arhin-Sam, K. (2019). Return Migration, Reintegration and Sense of Belonging: the Case of Skilled Ghanaian Returnees: Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
Arhin-Sam, K. (2013) Clients and Microfinance services: Views from bellow. Friedensau; Germany, AKEZ Working Papers, Vol. 2.
Arhin-Sam, K. (2017). International Students Admission Processes in Friedensau and Germany Research report presented to the Chancellor of the Friedensau Adventist University, Germany;
Arhin-Sam, K. Ndikumana, S. (2012). The 2010 Haiti Earthquake and ADRA’s Relief projects Evaluation research report presented to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) -International, U.S. A;
Arhin-Sam, K. (2012) Review of ADRA-Ghana’s Microfinance Program. Research report presented to ADRA Ghana