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Bank, Dr. André

E-mail: [at]
Areas of research:
Authoritarianism and political transformation; violent conflict and its local, cross-border, regional dynamics; disciplinarity of social sciences and area studies
Regional focus:
Middle East, especially Jordan and Syria
Professional experience:
Summer term 2018
Acting Full Professor (part-time), Chair of Development Theory and Development Policy, Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik, Freiburg University
2015 –
Senior Research Fellow, GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES), Hamburg
2010 – 2015
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES), Hamburg
2007 – 2008
Research Associate, Centre for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Otto-Suhr Institute of Political Science, FU Berlin
2005 – 2010
Ph.D. Political Science, University of Marburg
1999 – 2000
Study abroad at University of Washington, Seattle/USA
1997 – 2004
M.A. in Political Science, Islamic Studies and Sociology at University of Tübingen


Selected publications:

Bank, André / Weyland, Kurt (eds., 2018), Authoritarian Diffusion and Cooperation, London: Routledge, forthcoming.

Bank, André (2018), Comparative Area Studies and the Study of Middle East Politics after the Arab Uprisings, in: Ahram, Ariel I. / Köllner, Patrick / Sil, Rudra (eds.), Comparative Area Studies: Methodological Rationales and Cross-Regional Applications, New York: Oxford University Press, 129-139.

Bank, André / Fröhlich, Christiane (2018), Forced Migration in the Global South: Reorienting the Debate, GIGA Focus Global, 3/2018, Hamburg: GIGA, online:

Bank, André / Josua, Maria (2017), Gemeinsam stabiler: wie autoritäre Regime zusammenarbeiten, GIGA Focus Global, 2/2017, Hamburg: GIGA, online:

De Juan, Alexander / Bank, André (2015), The Ba‘thist Blackout? Selective Goods Provision and Political Violence in the Syrian Civil War, Journal of Peace Research, 52, 1, 91-104.

Bank, André / Richter, Thomas / Sunik, Anna (2015), Long-Term Monarchical Survival in the Middle East: A Configurational Comparison, 1945-2012, Democratization, 22, 1, 179-200.