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Camacho Cueva, Dr. Juan Luis

j.luis.camacho.cueva [at]
Areas of research:
Conflicts on resources, indigenious movements, Neoextractivism
Regional focus:
Latinamerica (especially Peru)
Professional experience:
2005 – 2006
Mitarbeiter des Forschungsteams des Instituto de Investigación
Universitaria Regional, IIUR
2006 – 2007
Forscher der Systematisierung „Aportes socioculturales en la gestión de
desarrollo de APDASA21”
Mitarbeiter des Forschungs- und Produktionsteams des Films El Señor de
Qolloyrriti, Nationalinstitut für Kultur und UNESCO
2003 – 2007
Leiter (2004-2007) und Mitarbeiter der Asociación para el Desarrollo Alternativo
Sostenible Agenda 21 – APDASA21
Doctoral candidate – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland
2009 – 2012
Master of Arts – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Deutschland
2006 – 2007
Licenciatur – Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC), Peru
1999 – 2005
Bachelor – Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC), Peru
Ph.D. Thesis
Working title:
Extraktive Wirtschaftspolitik und indigenes Handlungspotential – Die Verhandlung natürlicher Ressourcen im peruanischen Amazonien

The aim of his research - entitled "Extractive policies and the bargaining power of indigenous peoples in terms of access to natural resources in the Peruvian Amazonia“ - is to shed light on the group of actors, and their respective powers, surrounding the Camisea natural gas project in Peru, as a representative case study of other extractive cases. His research highlights the power strategies used by actors with different bargaining capacities in order to shape the decision-making processes that ultimately determine who gains access to natural resources in the Peruvian Amazonia. He also assesses the degree and extent to which the indigenous peoples of this region can negotiate for their own interests and future within this specific group of actors.

Jun. Prof. Dr. Anna Meiser Prof. Dr. Reinhart Kößler
Funding institution:
Heinrich Böll Foundation

Privatisierung der Ressourcen im peruanischen Amazonien: Wirtschaftspolitische Rahmenbedingungen -Implikationen für die indigene Bevölkerung und das Ökosystem des Regenwaldes. Saarbrücken: Akademiker Verlag, 2013.