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Haaß, Dr. Felix

felix.haass [at]
Areas of research:
Post-conflict political development; power-sharing; political economy of foreign aid; multilateral peace operations; civil wars; quantitative methods
Regional focus:
Sub-Sahara Africa
Professional experience:
Since 2016
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg
Associate (Research Fellow, Project: Institutions for Sustainable Peace
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, New York (Carlo-Schmid Fellow)
since 2013
PH.D. candidate in Political Science Universityt Greifswald

M.A. in Peace Research and International Politics, University Tübingen
B.A. in Political Sciences - major and Communication and Media Studies - minor, University Mannheim


Most important publications

Ansorg, Nadine / Haass, Felix / Strasheim, Julia. Forthcoming. “Police Reforms in Peace Agreements, 1975-2011: Introducing the PRPA dataset.” Journal of Peace Research 53(4): 597-607.

Haass, Felix / Kurtenbach, Sabine / Strasheim, Julia. 2016 “Fleeing the Peace? Determinants of Outward Migration after Civil War” GIGA Working Paper No. 289.

Haass, Felix / Ottmann, Martin. 2015. Buying Peace? The Political Economy of Power-Sharing. GIGA Focus International, 9.

Ansorg, Nadine / Haass, Felix / Strasheim, Julia. 2013. “Institutions for Sustainable Peace. From Research Gaps to New Frontiers.” Global Governance 19(1): 19-26.

Bergmann, Julian / Haass, Felix. 2009. “Institutionalisierte Ungleichheit in der Diskussion - eine kritische Betrachtung im Lichte des Roundtable zur Theodor Eschenburg-Vorlesung 2008“, In: Rittberger, Volker (Ed.): Wer regiert die Welt und mit welchem Recht? Beiträge zur Global Governance-Forschung. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 283-292.