antje.missbach [at] uni-bielefeld.de
Areas of research:
Global migration & refugee studies; Socio-legal dimensions of irregular & forced migration in Southeast Asia; Diaspora politics & long-distance nationalism; Trafficking in persons, human smuggling & related transnational crimes in Asia-Pacific region
Regional focus:
Southeast Asia, mainly Indonesia
Professional experience:
Professor of Mobility and Migration, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld
2018 - 2021
Senior researcher at Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute, Cluster Patterns of Forced Migration
2014 – 2018
senior lecturer at the Department of Anthropology, Monash University, Melbourne
2011 – 2014
McKenzie postdoctoral fellow at the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
2010 – 2011
lecturer at the Institute of Ethnology at the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg
2010 – 2010
postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate School for Muslim Cultures and Societies, Berlin
2005 – 2006
lecturer at the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Humboldt-University, Berlin
2006 – 2010
PhD at the Australian National University, Research School for Pacific and Asian Studies, Political and Social Change; Thesis: “Long-distance politics in transition: Aceh’s diaspora during and after the homeland conflict (1976-2008)”
1998 – 2005
Studies at Humboldt University in Berlin (Southeast Asian Studies/ European Eth-nology) Degree: Magistra Artium; Thesis: “Freiheitskämpfer oder Geschäftemacher? Der bewaffnete Kampf der Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) unter Berücksichtigung klassischer und neuer Gue-rillatheorien” [Freedom fighters or businessmen? The armed struggle of GAM with special consideration to classical and contemporary guerrilla theories]
Additional information:
Visiting fellowships and fieldwork
Sept. 2017 – Feb. 2018 Lee Kong Chian Fellow at Stanford University and National University of Singapore
Aug. 2015 visiting fellow at Stiftung Wissenschaft & Politik (SWP), Berlin
Jan. – June 2012 visiting fellow at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta
September 2009 fellowship at the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin
Sep. – Oct. 2008 fellowship at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden, the Netherlands