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Tümkaya, Dr. Erkan

Portraitfoto Erkan Tümkaya
erkan.tuemkaya [at]
Areas of research:
Anthropology of the Future: Migration and Flight in the Context of Hope and Waiting
Regional focus:
Turkey, Germany
Professional experience:
2015 – 2017
Research assistant (conference organization and tutorial) at the Chair for Turkish Language and Culture at the Oriental Seminar of the University of Cologne
PhD (Dr. phil.).
Subject of the doctoral thesis: “ʿAlawi Youth in Germany: Narratives of Secrecy, Religious Practices and Identification”
2015 – 2022
Doctoral studies in the subject Languages and Cultures of the Islamic World at the University of Cologne
2011 – 2014
Master's degree in cultural anthropology at the University of Freiburg; topic of the master's thesis: "Identity and Belonging in Transnational Social Spaces: Highly-skilled German-Turks in Istanbul".
Additional information:

Academic memberships

DAVO (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient)

GTOT (Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung)

EASA  (The European Association of Social Anthropologists)


Selected publications

(Forthcoming, 2024) Migrant Lives. Experiences of ʿAlawiness in Germany. Berlin: Springer. J.B. Metzler.

(2024) “Privileged Hope in the Shadow of Indefinite Waiting: Turkish Medical Doctors’ Pursuit of a Better Life in Germany.” Submitted/under peer review.

(2021) ʿAlawi Youth in Germany. Narratives of Secrecy, Religious Practices and Identification. Dissertation, University of Cologne.

(2017) Die Entwicklung der türkisch-alawitischen Organisationen und ihre Beziehungen zu den Organisationen der anatolischen Aleviten in Deutschland. In: W. Hohberger, R. Karadag, K. Müller, C. Ramm, Junge Perspektiven der Türkeiforschung in Deutschland. Band III Grenzräume – Grenzgänge – Entgrenzungen‚ (213-228). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.