Struggles over water: Radio programms and video on the workshop day in Freiburg
On April 26, 2024, the Junge Akademie of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, together with the Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict Studies network, organized days of workshop on the topic of struggles over water in Latin America. At the study day, scientists and activists from Chile, Colombia and Germany discussed our relationship to water as an energy source, as habitat or as entity with its own rights.
Guest Speaker Ximena Gonzales was interviewed by the regional radio station Radio Dreyeckland. The human rights lawyer and expert on the right to water and the right to energy spoke about the activist struggles for water in Colombia. The interview in German can be listened to on the Radio Dreyeckland's website.
Raíces Nómades, a Spanish-language program of Radio Dreyeckland, published a program about the workshops. This can be listened to on the Raíces Nómades website.