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Authoritarianism in Jordan: a transnational production - Interview with Benjamin Schuetze

Schütze, Dr. Benjamin / Camille Abescat / Emma Empociello / Simon Mangon (2021): „Authoritarianism in Jordan: a transnational production - Interview with Benjamin Schuetze“, in: Noria Research (Hg.), Noria Research.
Jordan has long been one of the highest recipients of US and European “democracy promotion” funding. Severe crackdowns on domestic opposition forces in 2020 and during the royal feud in April 2021, however, have revealed just how flimsy the regime’s commitments to democracy remain, and the extent to which the often celebrated stability of the country remains premised on coercion and oppression. In his book Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism (Cambridge University Press, 2019), Benjamin Schuetze investigates what external “democracy promoters” actually do in Jordan. As his research establishes, contrary to its nominal mission, ‘democracy promotion’ in Jordan actually buttresses Hashemite authoritarianism in a number of different ways.
Date of publication:
Forschungsbereich: Contested Governance
Language: English
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