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Fünfgeld, M.A. Anna

anna.fuenfgeld [at]
Areas of research:
Environmental Governance, Resources and Climate Policy, Political Ecology, Socio-Ecological Conflicts, State Theories, (Neo-)Gramscianism Approaches
Regional focus:
Indonesia, Brazil
Professional experience:
since 6/2016
Research assistant at the Protestant University for Applied Sciences in Freiburg, Germany
3/2015 - 5/2015
Visiting Scholar at the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
5/2014 - 10/2015
Research assistant, lecturer and methodology coordinator of the interdisciplinary research group Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg University and at the Department of International Politics, University of Freiburg
11/2013 – 9/2014
Research assistant and lecturer, Department of Human Geography, University of Freiburg
since 11/2015
PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of Freiburg
Magister Artium degree (M.A.) in Political Science, Geography and Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Freiburg

Teaching degree (Erstes Staatsexamen Lehramt) in Political Science, Geography and German Literature and Language Studies, University of Freiburg
9/2007 – 8/2008
Stipendiary of the European Union’s Erasmus Program at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Ph.D. Thesis
Working title:
Contested Hegemonies: Society-Nature-Relations and Resource Governance in Indonesia and Brazil
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rüland

Selected Publications

Fünfgeld, A. (2016): Staatlichkeit als lokale Praxis: Kohleabbau und Widerstand in Indonesien. Berlin [u.a.]: LIT-Verlag. Southeast Asian Modernities No.16.

Fünfgeld, A. (2016): The State of Coal Mining in East Kalimantan: Towards a Political Ecology of Local Stateness. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS), Special Issue on Socio-Ecological Conflicts in Southeast Asia, 9(1): 147-161.

Fünfgeld, A./ Gonschorek, G. (2015): Dynamic Alignments and Realignments in Global Southeast Asia. Conference Report. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) Conference. 24-26 June 2015, Freiburg. Internationales Asienforum 46(3-4): 419-425.

Fünfgeld, A./ Lücking, M./ Platte, F. (2012): How Can Standards Contribute to Social Welfare through the Improvement of Public Service Delivery? An Interdisciplinary Assessment of the Potentials of Standard Based Public Service Delivery in Indonesia. Occasional Paper Series, Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg. OP No. 11.