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Jegen, M.A. Leonie

Leonie.jegen [at]
Areas of research:
Migration, Externalisierung, borders
Regional focus:
EU, Westafrica, esp. Ghana, Niger, Senegal
Professional experience:
Research assistant, "The Political Economy of West African Migration Governance (WAMiG)", Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute
2017 - 2018
Research assistant, “African Migration Root Causes and Regulatory Dynamics“ (AMIREG) Projekt, United Nations Institut for Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-Cris) und Institute of European Studie (IES), Vrije Universiteit Brussels ( VUB)
Communication Officer, European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
2016- 2017
Communication Assistant, European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
currently applying for PhD scholarships
Migration Studies (MA), University of Sussex
Minor: Social Studies of Morocco, Nederland Instituut Marokko (NIMAR)
Minor: Modern Greek History, Kapodestrian Universitaet Athen
2010 - 2014
International Relations and International Organization (BA), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

“Making migrants in Niger: Externalization and the Making Of Subjectivities”, European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Lisbon, 21 – 24 July
“Donor influence in the West-African migration governance – To the benefit of whom?,” Guest Lecture, Unviersity of Ghent, 17.03.2020
„Senegal: Lokale und europâische Interessen im Konflikt“, re-Launch Migration.Control Website, Suedblock Aquarium, Berlin 06.02.202
“Externalization and the making of subjectivities in Niger and its integration into the international mobility regime”, Conference/Workshop: Postcoloniality and Forced Migration, Aalborg University Campus Copenhagen, 12.12.2019
“The external dimension of EU migration policy”, Guest Lecture of the MA course EU External Policies, University of Ghent, 06.12.2019
“The Political Economy of Migration Governance in Senegal”, WAMIG Dissemination Event,  FES Senegal, 26.11.2019
„Migrationspolitik in Westafrika: Lokale und europäische Interessen im Konflikt“,  MEDAM-Workshop, Berlin, 29.10.2019
“The Political Economy of Migration Governance in Niger”, WAMIG Dissemination Event, LASDEL Niamey, 18.09. 2019
„The People and the Donors. Drivers of Migration Policy interests in West-African Democracies“ IMISCOE Conference, Malmo, 26.06.2019
„Strategie für die “Festung Europa”? Externalisierung in der europäischen Migrationspolitik”, Workshop mit Meral Zeller (Pro Asyl), Volkshochschule Essen, 23.05.2019
“Stakes, impacts and research gaps of the IOM in West Africa”, Workshop, University of Oxford, 02.02.2019
“The external dimension of EU migration policy”, Guest Lecture of the MA course EU External Policies, University of Ghent, 14.12.2018
“Externalization inside out: Senegal and Ghana and the making of the nation migration policy” Kritnet Netzwerktreffen. Berlin, 5.11.2018
“Europaeisches Grenzregime.” Workshop mit Meral Zeller (Pro Asyl). Attac Europakongress. Kassel, 6.10.2018
“Externalizatoin inside out: The cases of Ghana and Senegal.” Brown Bag Lunch at the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), Brussels, 26.09.2018
“EU Cooperation and Migration Policy Development in West-Africa.” European Consortium for Political Research (ecpr) Conference. Hamburg, 25.08.2018


Recent Publications

Franzisca Zanker, Judith Altrogge, Kwaku Arhin-Sam, and Leonie Jegen (2019): Challenges in EU-African Migration Cooperation: West African Perspectives on Forced Return; MEDAM Policy Brief 2019/5

Leonie Jegen and Franzisca Zanker (2019) Spirited away: The fading importance of resettlement in the emergency transit mechanism in Rwanda, ECPDM Guest Blog, 28th October

Leonie Jegen and Franzisca Zanker (2019) European dominance of migration policy in Niger: On a fait les filles avant la mère, MEDAM Policy Brief 2019/3 (en francais)

Leonie Jegen and Franzisca Zanker (2019) Op-ed: Libya: Humanitarian Solutions Won’t Solve Political Problems, European Council on Refugees and Exile (ECRE), 20th September.

Ilke Adam, Florian Trauner, Leonie Jegen, Christof Roos (2019): West African Interests in (EU) Migration Policy, UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies

Florian Trauner, Leonie Jegen, Ilke Adam, Christof Roos (2019): The International Organization for Migration in West Africa: Why Its Role is Getting More Contested, UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies