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Kenyatta, M.A. Gloria

kenyattagloria [at]
Areas of research:
Local governments and devolved governance, public participation, public administration (esp. public policy development), community development and volunteerism
Regional focus:
East Africa (esp. Kenya)
Professional experience:
Since 2013
Deputy Clerk of Bomet Government Legislature, Kenya East
Administrative Assistant at Kenyatta University Career Centre Directorate, Kenya
National Volunteer and Youth Development Officer at Kenya Red Cross Society, Kenya
National Dissemination Assistant at Kenya Red Cross Society, Kenya
since 2021
PhD candidate in Political Science at University of Freiburg
MA in Rural Sociology and Community Development at University of Nairobi, Kenya
BA in Environmental Studies (Community Development) at Kenyatta University, Kenya


Selected Publications

Kenyatta, Gloria Nyambura (2023) "The Political Participation of Women in Kenya," Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 25: Iss. 2, Article 5. Available at: The Political Participation of Women in Kenya

Kenyatta, Gloria Nyambura (2023) "Toward Inclusive Advancement: An Analysis of Gender Equity in Kenya," Journal of International Women's Studies: Vol. 25: Iss. 2, Article 9. Available at: Toward Inclusive Advancement: An Analysis of Gender Equity in Kenya

Kenyatta, G., & Zani, A. (2014). "An evaluation of the motives behind volunteering and existing motivational strategies among voluntary organizations in Kenya. Research on Humanities and Science", 4(23), 84-95.