Selected Publications
Ankenbrand, Ch., Welter, Z. & Engwicht, N. (2020, forthcoming) „ASM Formalization: An Environmental Peacebuilding Tool?”. Special Issue: Environmental Peacebuilding. International Affairs.
Welter, Z. & Wissmann, S. (2019) “Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict-Beyond the ILC. A workshop report”. Humanitäres Völkerrecht 2(1-2):111-4. Published at: https://elibrary.bwv-
Welter, Z & Jalonen, Riina (2019) “Forest Biodiversity Monitoring: Guide to community-based approaches”. Rome: Bioversity International. Published at:
Welter, Z. (2018) “The Implementation of Peace Agreements: The Arena for Renewed Power Struggles? A critical perspective on the implementation of land redistribution provisions in South Africa and Guatemala” (Unpublished work). Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg.