Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius (2021): „European Support for Arab Parliaments – A Successful Way to Democracy?“, in: Middle East Law and Governance, 13 (3), 363–385.
peer reviewed
peer reviewed
In the Euro-Mediterranean region, several international parliamentary initiatives are engaged in parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation. Besides the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) cross the shores. In addition, a number of national European parliaments, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations, cooperate with Arab parliaments in a bilateral manner.
Based on the author’s own research in Brussels, Amman, Cairo, Rabat, Tunis and Valletta, the article analyzes cross-Mediterranean parliamentary relations and argues that interparliamentary cooperation could facilitate an increase in Arab parliaments’ overall relevance through progressive democratization; for this, parliaments in the Arab world would need to gain effectiveness and influence, though, and increased credibility among citizens as well as commitment by the influential powerholders. International support offers might serve as important trigger for this needed upgrading.
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Language: English
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