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Multi-Scalar Struggles: The Selectivity of Development Governance in Southern Mexico

Jenss, Dr. Alke (2019): Multi-Scalar Struggles: The Selectivity of Development Governance in Southern Mexico. Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut Nr. 11, Freiburg.
In Mexico, protests against large scale infrastructure and resource projects have increased over the last decade (Andrews et al. 2017). Hardly a month goes by without news on clashes between supporters and opponents of large-scale projects in some locality of rural Mexico, be it in the states of Oaxaca, or Guerrero and Zacatecas, where parts of the population protest against large-scale mining and hydropower projects; in Chiapas, where locals criticize the construction of new highways in the context of tourism infrastructure; or in Morelos and the state of Mexico, were conflicts center around forced urbanization projects (e.g. Hernández Navarro 2012: 89-101).
Forschungsbereich: Contested Governance
Language: English
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