Niger is one of the poorest countries worldwide. Nevertheless it showed an impressive increase in school enrolment. Despite this success indicators on education reveal that the country is far behind compared to other countries. A big challenge is the high birth rate in the country.
Since 2013 the GIZ facilitates the political reform process of the Ministry of Education and implemented the „Projet Education Primaire” (PEP). PEP contributes to the improvement of the functioning of the educational administration and to improvement of the learning environment of girls.
In cooperation with Dr. Herbert Bergmann a baseline-study was conducted in February 2014. The team developed a survey tool to assess the condition of local education authorities in order to get a clear image of the starting point before the implementation of the project. Furthermore it designed tools which enable parents, principals and teachers to assess the work of the educational authorities. They also designed a tool to survey the quality of learning environment of girls.
Baseline Study: « Projet Education Primaire (PEP) de la GIZ au Niger »
Project staff at ABI:
External project staff:
Dr. Herbert Bergmann
Duration of the project: