This workshop series from November 2020 to March 2021 serves to both discuss paper drafts, start conversations with colleagues located elsewhere, and to present work in progress to each other.
Would you like to participate in lecture Then please write to alke.jenss[at]abi.uni-freiburg.de
17 to 19th March, 2021
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
Authoritarianism & Democracy Conference
hybrid/online format
23rd March, 2021, 12 pm (Freiburg)
Natalie Koch (Syracuse): Spatializing Authoritarianism. Beyond the Urban
Past events
1st December, 2020, 1 pm (Freiburg) / 9 am (São Paulo)
Francisco Comaru, Laboratório de Justiça Territorial Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC): Critical Spatial Practices of Social Movements in Inner City São Paulo
15th December, 2020, 9 am (Michigan time). (3 pm Freiburg)
Ana Paula Pimentel (Taubman, Michigan) & María Arquero de Alarcón (Taubman, Michigan): Informal housing, self-management, participatory budget
12th January, 2021, 4 pm (Freiburg) / 3 pm (Leicester)
Loretta Lees (Leicester): Planetary Gentrification
Bahar Sakizlioglu (Leicester): Gentrification, Crisis of Social Reproduction and Gender: Gentrification Experiences of Low Income Women Living and Working in Tarlabaşı.
19th January, 2021, 4 pm (Freiburg) / 3 pm (Leicester)
Clara Rivas Alonso (Leicester): Okmeydanı as a contested site of urban (re)production: occupying trajectories of hope(lessness) in Istanbul and elsewhere
Stefano Portelli (Leicester): Spirits of displacement: working class rituals and gentrification in Casablanca
Alessandro Busa (Leicester): Links between financial markets, greening projects and green gentrification
26th January, 2021, 10 am (Freiburg) / 9 am (Manchester)
Kenny Cupers (Urban Studies, Basel): “Neoliberalism on the Ground”. How Architecture represents Neoliberalism
Nate Millington (Manchester) & Patrick Bigger (Lancaster): Getting soaked? Climate crisis, adaptation finance, and racialized austerity
10th February, 2021 (Wednesday!), 4 pm (Freiburg) / 9 am (Mexico DF)
Ana Álvarez (Citámbulos): Mexico City: Chapultepec and Miravalle Planning Processes and Community Participation
Lucila D’Urso (CONICET-Buenos Aires): Anti-union Practices in Austerity Contexts. Repression of social protest in Buenos Aires since 2015
16th Febuary 2021, 10 am (Freiburg) / 9 am (Sheffield)
Dr Begoña Aramayona (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Securitisation of nocturnal precarious workers in Southern Europe: a theoretical approach
23rd February, 2021, 2 pm (Freiburg) / 3 pm (Beirut)
Hugo Fanton (IRGAC, ABI): Tensions between authoritarianism and democracy in the everyday of a Brazilian favelay, urban political disputes, and authoritarian neoliberalism in Brazil
comment by Mona Harb (Research Director BeirutUrbanLab)
Shrey Kapoor (Cornell): Governing India’s Outbreaks: The BJP’s Authoritarian Populism refracted through the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ahmedabad
2nd March, 2021, 10 am (Freiburg) / 10 am (Capetown)
Khanyile Mlotshwa (IRGAC, ABI): Exploring the apartheid roots of urban authoritarianism in postapartheid South Africa
comment by Sophie Oldfield (Urban Studies, Basel /Capetown)
9th March, 2021, 10 am (Freiburg) / 9 am (Leicester)
Ayşegül Can (IRGAC, ABI): Being an Istanbulite: The Value of Resistance During a Time of Urban Governance Through Massive Projects
comment by Valeria Guarneros (Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, DeMontfort University)
16th March 2021, 10 am (Freiburg) / 9 am (Sheffield)
Michele Lancione (Sheffield): Inhabiting Dispossession: Abstracting race and class through the 'bloc'
Photo: © Alke Jenss