Toni Cela, Anita Ghimire and Meena Poudel
The IMISCOE Annual Conference 2024 "Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn" emphasised the intersectional character of migration studies and focused on processes of social construction of migration and their effects on social realities. In this forum, Franzisca Zanker and Mary Setrana (University of Ghana) moderated the roundtable on the topic "Feminist Migration Futures? The Paradox of a Feminist Migration Policy".
Sarah Scuzzarello (University of Sussex), Marcia Vera Espinoza (Institute for Global Health and Development at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh), Toni Cela (Interuniversity Institute for Research and Development (INURED) and University of Miami), Anita Ghimire (Nepal Institute for Social and Environmental Research (NISER)) and Meena Poudel (Independent Researcher, Nepal) shared their experiences and discussed their visions for the future of feminist migration research.
The recordings of the contributions by Toni Cela, Anita Ghimire and Meena Poudel are now available online as a video and can be watched on YouTube!