The Arnold Bergstraesser Institute practises research-based consulting that draws on the specific regional knowledge, specialist experience and methodological skills of its research staff and research assistants. The Institute also carries out studies, project evaluations, training and other consultancy missions for various development policy actors (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ, German Society for International Cooperation – GIZ, political foundations, etc.), provided that these activities exhibit synergies with the Institute's research interests. The ABI is a member of the Working Group Development Policy of the German Evaluation Society and its research staff and research assistants are Capacity Works certified. The ABI also regularly draws up country evaluations for various actors (BMZ/German Institute of Global and Area Studies – GIGA, PÖK/PÖR, BMZ/GIGA conflict analyses, Bertelsmann Transformation Index, Federal Agency for Civic Education – bpb – Dossier on Inner-state Conflicts, etc.).
Some consultings in recent years:
- Study "Contested Mobility Norms in Africa: Reconciling Visions, Policies and Practice" for the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.
- Establishment of Glopart-Network and the SDG-University Day 2023.
- Report on the expansion of renewable energy and co-operation between the EU and GCC in North Africa and West Asia. For the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and European Union (EU).
- DAAD Summer School Contested Governance
- Project progress report PIDA (GIZ)
- Peace and Conflict Analysis Chad (KfW)
- Transnational training partnership between Ghana and NRW (Stiftung Mercator)
- State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg "Africa in Focus" Baden-Württemberg
- DAAD Gouvernance pour le développement local durable et intégrative (CEGLA)
- Study on Migration Policy in Gambia
- City of Freiburg Inventory of civil society activities with global responsibility of the City of Freiburg
- DAAD African Good Governance Network