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PD Dr. Rother, Stefan

Stefan Rother im Portrait
mail [at] stefan-rother.de
+49 (0)761 888 78 41
Migration, Theory of International Relations, Regional Cooperation (ASEAN), Global Governance, Soziale Bewegungen
Regionale Schwerpunkte:
Southeast Asia
Wintersemester 2019/20
Vertretung der Professur für Internationale Politik, Universität Freiburg
since 2010
Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, University of Freiburg
Research Fellow at FRIAS University of Freiburg
Editorial Manager of the "International Quarterly for Asian Studies" at ABI
Research fellow at ABI; 2008-2011 Ph.D. Scholarship
October 2005-2007
Research Project “Democratization through Migration? Political Attitudes of Philippine Return Migrants”
April 2005 - September 2005
Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, University of Freiburg (Vertretung der Geschäftsführung)
Abgeschlossene kumulative Habilitation an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Freiburg „Multi-level Governance from below? Migrant Civil Society and the Democratisation of International Institutions” ; Venia legendi in Political Science
Promotion in Politikwissenschaft ("summa cum laude") an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: “Diffusion in transnational political spaces: Political activism of Philippine labor migrants in Hong Kong"
Ausgezeichnet mit dem “Arnold-Bergstraesser-Preis 2013” für Internationale Politik
Magister Artium (M.A.) in Politikwissenschaft und Neuere und Neuester Geschichte an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg ("sehr gut")
Exchange student at the University of Sydney, Australia; Focus on Asian History and Politics
Abgeschlossenes Volontariat und Redakteurstätigkeit Schwäbische Zeitung, Leutkirch
Zusätzliche Infos:


DGA Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (seit 2009 Mitglied des Vorstandes, 2017-2019  Stellvertretender Vorsitzender; 2007-2009 Sprecher der Nachwuchsgruppe)

DVPW Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (seit 2009 Sprecher Arbeitskreis Migrationspolitik)

Freinem- Freiburger Netzwerk Migrationsforschung (Koordinator)

Academic Council on the Global Compact for Migration (ACGCM), Sektion Migration und ethnische Minderheiten der DGS, ECPR Standing Group on Migration and Ethnicity, Asian Civil Society Research Network, Ukraine Democracy Initative / University of Sydney Democracy Network




(2021) International Migrationspolitik (Textbook International Politics of Migration). Stuttgart: UTB. (with Uwe Hunger)

(2016) Democratization through Migration? Political Remittances and Participation of Philippine Return Migrants. Lanham: Lexington Books. (with Christl Kessler) 

(2016): (ed.) Migration und Demokratie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS

Guest Edited Special Journal Issues

(2017/18) with Nicola Piper and Jürgen Rüland: Challenging State Sovereignty in the Age of Migration: A multi-level approach to Southeast and East Asian migration, European Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol 16 (2)/ 17 (1).

(2015): Civil Society and Democracy in South and Southeast Asia, in ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, 136 (July).

(2015) with Nicola Piper: Migration and Democracy, International Migration, Vol 53(3).

Journal Articles

(2019) Tokens or Stakeholders in Global Migration Governance? The Role of Affected Communities and Civil Society in the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees, International Migration Vol. 57(6), pp. 243-257 (with Elias Steinhilper) (refereed)

(2019): Political Remittances and the Diffusion of a Rights-Based Approach to Migration Governance: the case of the Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(6), S. 1057-1071. ( Nicola Piper) (refereed)

(2019) The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) as a venue of “state socialization”: A stepping stone for multi-level migration governance?, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45 (8), pp. 1285-1274.  (refereed)

(2018) Angry Birds of Passage. Migrant rights networks and counter-hegemonic resistance to global migration discourses, Globalizations 15(6), pp. 854-869. (refereed)

(2018): ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour: A space for civil society in migration governance at the regional level? Asia Pacific Viewpoint 59(1), pp. 107-118. (refereed)

(2018): Challenging State Sovereignty in the Age of Migration - Concluding Remarks, European Journal of East Asian Studies, 17 (1), pp. 118-133; with Nicola piper and Jürgen Rüland)

(2017) Indonesian migrant domestic workers in transnational political spaces: agency, gender roles and social class formation, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43 (6), pp. 956-973.  (refereed)

(2015) Democratizing ASEAN through “Alternative Regionalism”? The ASEAN Civil Society Conference and the ASEAN Youth Forum, in ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, 136 (July), pp. 98-119.  (refereed)

(2015) Civil Society and Democracy in South and Southeast Asia — An Introduction, in ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, 136 (July), pp. 5-13. 

(2015): Migration and Democracy: Citizenship and human rights from a multi-level perspective. Editorial, in International Migration 53(3), pp 3-7. (with Nicola Piper)

(2015): Alternative Regionalism from Below: democratising ASEAN’s migration governance, in International Migration, 53(3), pp 36-49.  (with Nicola Piper) (refereed)

Chapters in edited volumes

(2020) Global civil society, migration and development, In Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development, eds. Tanja Bastia and Ronald Skeldon. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 310-320.

(2020) Democratic Remittances and Diaspora: Tracking the Multilayered Political Practices of Migrants. In Democracy, Diaspora, Territory. Europe and Cross-Border Politics, eds. Olga Oleinikova, Jumana Bayeh. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 56-70 (refereed).

(2019) The uneven migration governance of ASEAN. In The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance, eds. Andrew Geddes, Marcia V. Espinoza, Leila Hadj-Abdou and Leila Brumat. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 186-204.

(2019) Postscript: The Global Compact for Migration: what road from Marrakech? In Migration, civil society and global governance. Eds. Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Branka Likić-Brborić, Raúl Delgado Wise, Gülay Toksöz. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 156–164. (with Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Raúl Delgado  Wise, Aleksandra Ålund)

(2018) Labour Migration in Southeast Asia: In search for regional governance, in Contemporary Southeast Asia. 3rd. ed. Eds. Mark Beeson and Alice Ba, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-197 (refereed).

(2018): Migration, in Routledge Handbook of Civil Society in Asia. Ed. Akihiro Ogawa, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 488-504. (with Daniel Kremers)

(2017) Migration und Flucht als globale Herausforderung, in Deutschland Einwanderungsland. Begriffe - Fakten - Kontroversen, 3. Aufl. eds. Karl-Heinz Meier-Braun, and Reinhold Weber. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 29–33.

(2016): Democracy on the move?  The potential link between circular migration and democratization, in Impact of Circular Migration on Human, Political and Civic Rights. A Global Perspective. eds. Solé, C., Parella, S., Sordé, T. and Nita, S, Heidelberg/New York: Springer, pp. 195-216. (refereed)

(2016) Demokratisierung und Migration – Ebenen, Akteure, Diffusionskanäle. In Migration und Demokratie, ed. Stefan Rother, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 255-282. (refereed)

(2016) Migration und Demokratie: Einführung in das Buch. In Migration und Demokratie, ed. Stefan Rother, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 1-14.


(2015): Auswanderung als Entwicklungsstrategie? Die Philippinen. In Migration gerecht gestalten: Weltweite Impulse für einen fairen Wettbewerb um Fachkräfte, ed. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, pp. 211-224.

Shorter articles, editorials, reports (selection)

(2019) „Ein Jahr nach der Verabschiedung des Globalen Migrationspakts“, FES-Themenportal Flucht, Migration, Integration,  https://www.fes.de/themenportal-flucht-migration-integration/artikelseite-flucht-migration-integration/zivilgesellschaft-gefragt

(2019): „Migrationspolitik im EU-Mehrebenensystem“ Neue Caritas - Migration und Integration-Info (3): 3-4.

(2019) „Deutschlands Ko-Vorsitz im Globalen Forum für Migration und Entwicklung“ Vereinte Nationen 67 (2): 77-82.

(2018): “Nur ein erster Schritt: Der globale Pakt für Migration.” Vereinte Nationen 66 (2): 78.

(2017): “Grenzenlose Verantwortung: Flucht und Migration als Thema der internationalen Politik: Das Global Forum on Migration and Development 2017 im Kontext des Global Compact on Migration.” Brot für die Welt Aktuell 59.

(2016): Looking beyond ‘the refugee crisis’, can migrants be the new agents of democracy?, The Conversation, Democracy Future Series, https://theconversation.com/looking-beyond-the-refugee-crisis-can-migrants-be-the-new-agents-of-democracy-54167

(2016) „Migration und Entwicklung: Wohlstand für Alle“. Außenansicht, Süddeutsche Zeitung 26. Februar.

(2016): “Comment: Migrants’ participation matters” D+C (Development + Cooperation) January: 40