“Remigration aspirations after state-induced return: Which differentiations can we (not) make out?”. DeZIM Tagung, Berlin, 7.10.2022.
“’The government would become an enemy of the people’: The Gambian government’s refusal to accept deportation from Europe and the role of transnational social activism”. Point Sud Workshop “Struggles for ‘democracy’ in Africa before and during the pandemic - Encounters from the Global North and South”, Dakar/online, 19.11.2021.
“West African Women in Intercontinental Migration: Gendered agency of female Gambian ‘backway’ migrants” (mit Sait Jaw and Helen Schwenken). DeZIM Workshop “Intersektionale Perspektiven in der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung”, 11.11.2021.
“Gambian and Senegalese associations in Germany: Integration and transnationalism in times of growing migrant communities” (mit Julia Stier und Hamza Safouane). 18. IMISCOE Konferenz, 09.07.2021.
“Bringing AVRR-(in)voluntariness into deportation studies through a longitudinal multi-sited comparative research approach”, 18. IMISCOE Konferenz, 08.07.2021.
“Reinterpretation of a Moratorium: The Gambian Ban on Deportations and the question of State Sovereignty”, wth Zanker, F., 18. IMISCOE Konferenz, 08.07.2021.
“Deportation to Development. Exploring linkages between forced return and development cooperation in the Gambia”, 3. Konferenz des Netzwerk Fluchtforschung, 18.08.2020.
„Direkte und indirekte Steuerung von Migration: Einblicke aus Afrika.“ DGS-Konferenz „Great Transformation: Die Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften“, Jena, 25.09.2019.
„The Political Stakes of Return to the new Gambia: The ‘early-bird’ returnees from Libya”, 2. Konferenz des Netzwerks Fluchtforschung, Eichstätt, 06.10.2018.
Publikationen (Auswahl)
2022. mit Zanker, F. Protective Exclusion as a Postcolonial Strategy: Rethinking Deportations and Sovereignty in The Gambia. In: Security Dialogue 53(5).
2020. mit Auer, D. Zurück ins Herkunftsland? Warum eine 'geringe Bleibeperspektive' für Asylsuchende aus Gambia kein Grund zur Rückkehr ist. DeZIMinutes Nr. 2.
2019. mit Zanker, F. The Political Economy of Migration Governance in the Gambia. Freiburg: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut.
2019. mit Zanker, F., Arhin-Sam, K., and Jegen, L. Challenges in EU-African Migration Cooperation: West African Perspectives on Forced Return. MEDAM Policy Brief 2019/5, December 2019.
2019. mit Zanker, F. „Political Stakes of Return: From Diaspora to Libyan Transit Returnees”, in: International Migration57(4).
2018. Gambische Diaspora in Deutschland. Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
2017. mit Zanker, F. "The politics of migration governance. ABI Pilote Study" Freiburg: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut.