‘Between Non-place and Good Place: Utopian Imaginaries in Parliament’s Mothership Connection,’ ISA Northeast (Virtual), 4.11. 2021.
Eingeladene Diskutantin. ‘Race Matter: Research Questions in International Relations’, Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies (Cornell University), 20.5. 2021.
Sitzungsleitung. ‘Frantz Fanon and International Relations: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination of his Life and Work’, ISA (Virtual), 6.4. 2021.
‘“If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution”: Fanonian Aesthetics as Decolonizing Rhythm’, ISA (Virtual), 6.4. 2021.
‘Between the Visual and the Aural: Music and Processes of Racialization in a Bundeswehr Recruitment Ad’, Cornell Department of German Studies Graduate Student Conference (Cornell University), 6.3. 2020.
‘‘Agency’ as Social Death: Unpacking International Relations’ Theoretical Framework’, ISA International Conference (Accra (Ghana)), 1.8. 2019.
‘Music and Intersubjectivity: Reconceptualizing International Relations’ Conceptual Encounter’, ISA (Toronto (Kanada)), 30.3. 2019.
‘Between the Visual and the Aural: Music and Processes of Racialization in a Bundeswehr Recruitment Ad’, ISA (Toronto (Kanada)), 29.3. 2019.
Then Bergh, Sarah (2022). ‘Subverting Colonial Aesthetics: Frantz Fanon, W.E.B. Du Bois and Janelle Monáe.’ In: Grant Farred (Hrsg). Africana Studies: Theoretical Futures (PA: Temple University Press).
Then Bergh, Sarah (2021). Rezension zu: Amy Niang, 2018. The Postcolonial African State in Transition. E-International Relations (12 Aug. 2021), <https://www.e-ir.info/2021/08/12/review-the-postcolonial-african-state-in-transition/>.