Laufendes Projekt am ABI: Support to Transitional Justice (s2TJ), Äthiopien, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
“Reconfiguring Contested Borderlands in Ethiopia”, Knowledge for Peace (K4P), Peace Research Facility, Rift Valley Institute, Äthiopien, 2023-2024.
“Political Economy of Resources in Ethiopia’s Peripheries”, Knowledge for Peace (K4P), Peace Research Facility, Rift Valley Institute, Äthiopien, 2022-2023.
“European Network for Political Ecology”, Marie Curie FP7-ITN - EU-Projekt ENTITLE, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 2013-2016.
Jonah Wedekind & Kedir Jamal (forthcoming, 2024) Camps, Checkpoints and Caterpillars: Inter-regional territorial expansionism and distributive struggles in Ethiopia’s Oromia-Somali borderlands, Rift Valley Institute.
Jonah Wedekind (2024) Prosperity to the Periphery? The Politics of Resource Extraction in Ethiopia, Post-2018, Rift Valley Institute.
Hallelujah Lulie & Jonah Wedekind (2024) Ethiopia: 2023–24. In: Awedoba, A., Kamski, B., Mehler, A., and D. Sebudubudu (eds.) Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2024, Vol. 21, Leiden: Brill, http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/9789004696976_035.
Jonah Wedekind & Hallelujah Lulie (2023) Ethiopia: 2022–23. In: Awedoba, A., Kamski, B., Mehler, A., and D. Sebudubudu (eds.) Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2023, Vol. 20, Leiden: Brill, http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/9789004538115_035.
Jonah Wedekind und Davide Chingò (2021) Contract and Control: Agrarian labour mobilisation and resistance under large-scale land investments for biofuel crop production in Ethiopia, Annales d’Éthiopie, Vol. 33, 47-76.
Jonah Wedekind (2021) Anatomy of a White Elephant: Investment Failure and Land Conflicts on Ethiopia’s Oromia–Somali Frontier. In: Gabbert, et al. (eds.) Lands of the Future: Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa. Oxford: Berghahn Books, 167-188.
Echi Christina Gabbert, Fana Gebresenbet & Jonah Wedekind (2021) Pastoralism for Future. In: Gabbert et al. (eds.) Lands of the Future: Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism, Land Deals and Tropes of Modernity in Eastern Africa. Oxford: Berghahn Books, 309-317.
Diego Andreucci, Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, Jonah Wedekind & Erik Swyngedouw (2017) “Value Grabbing”: A Political Ecology of Rent, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 28(3), 28-47, https://doi.org/10.1080/10455752.2016.1278027.
Diego Andreucci, Jonah Wedekind & Garcia-Lopez, G. (2015) The Commons: An Introduction. In: A Political Ecology Manual for Civil Society, ENTITLE Fellows, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
Bluesky: @jowedekind