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Monografien und Herausgeberschaften der Mitarbeiter*innen

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García Pinzón, Dr. Viviana (2024): Trajectories of Governance Tracing the Entanglements of Order and Violence in Peripheral Cities of Latin America. Bristol : Bristol University Press.

Legay, Dr. Richard (2024): The Cultural Histories of Radio Luxembourg and Europe n°1: Broadcasting Across Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan.



Agarwal, Dr. Amya (2023): Contesting Masculinities and Women's Agency in Kashmir (Indian edition). Delhi, India: Manohar Publishers.

Jenss, Dr. Alke (2023): Selective Security: The Coloniality of State Power in the War on Drugs. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Jenss, Dr. Alke / Dr. Mara (Erfurt) Albrecht (Hg.) (2023): The spatiality and temporality of urban violence. Histories, rhythms and ruptures. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Tümkaya, Dr. Erkan (2023): Migrant Lives. Experiences of ʿAlawiness in Germany. Berlin/Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler/Springer.



Agarwal, Amya (2022): Contesting Masculinities and Women’s Agency in Kashmir. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Missbach, Prof. Dr. Antje (2022): The Criminalisation of People Smuggling in Indonesia and Australia. London: Routledge.

PD Dr. Rother, Stefan (2022): Global Migration Governance from Below: Actors, Spaces, Discourses. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius / Lena-Maria Möller Zeina Hobaika (2022): The MENA Region and COVID-19: Impact, Implications and Prospects. London: Routledge.

Völkel, Dr. Jan Claudius / Prof. Dr. Michelle Pace (Hg.) (2022): Knowledge production in Higher Education: Between Europe and the Middle East. Manchester: Manchester University Press.



Jenss, Alke / Rosa Lehmann / Tobias Boos (2021): Sozialstrukturen in Bewegung. Class, Race, Gender und politische Artikulation in Lateinamerika. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Missbach, Antje / Kneebone, Susan (eds): Special Issue on „Presidential Regulation No. 125 of 2016”, Asian Journal of Law and Society, 8, 3 (2021), Cambridge University Press.

Mehler, Andreas / Benedikt Kamski / Albert Awedoba / David Sebudubudu (eds): Africa Yearbook, 17 (2021). Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara. Leiden: Brill.

Rother, Stefan / Uwe Hunger (2021): Internationale Migrationspolitik, Stuttgart, UTB.

Völkel, Jan Claudius / Paul Maurice Esber (eds): Special Issue on „Parliaments in the Middle East and North Africa: A Struggle for Relevance“, Middle East Law and Governance, 13,3 (2021), Den Haag: Brill.



Glawion, Dr. Tim (2020): The Security Arena in Africa Local Order-Making in the Central African Republic, Somaliland, and South Sudan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mehler, Andreas (2020): A Decade of Central African Republic Politics, Economy and Society 2009 bis 2018. Leiden: Brill.

Mehler, Andreas / Albert Kanlisi Awedoba / Benedikt Kamski / David Sebudubudu (eds): Africa Yearbook, 16 (2020). Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara. Leiden: Brill.



Arhin-Sam, Kwaku (2019): Return Migration, Reintegration and Sense of Belonging: the Case of Skilled Ghanaian Returnees. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Lübke, Prof. Dr. Christian von / Dr. Marcel Baumann / Prof. Jürgen Rüland (2019): Religious Actors and Conflict Transformation in Southeast Asia. London: Routledge.

Mehler, Andreas / Victor Adetula / Benedikt Kamski / Henning Melber (2019): Africa Yearbook, Brill.

Mehler, Andreas / Caroline A. Hartzell eds. (2019): Power Sharing and Power Relations After Civil War, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers

Missbach, Antje, Jemma Purdey, Dave McRae (2019): Indonesia: State and Society in Transition, Lynne Rienner Publishers

Schütze, Benjamin (2019): Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan, Cambridge University Press.



Jenss, Dr. Alke / Dr. Patrick Eser / Johannes Schulten / Dr. Anne Tittor (Hg.) (2018): Globale Ungleichgewichte und Soziale Transformationen. Beiträge von Dieter Boris aus 50 Jahren zu Lateinamerika, Klassenanalyse und Bewegungspolitik. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag.



Kößler, Prof. Dr. Reinhart / Prof. Dr. Henning Melber (2017): Völkermord - und was dann? Die Politik deutsch-namibischer Vergangenheitsbearbeitung.. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel.

Zanker, Franzisca (2017), Legitimacy in Peacebuilding: Rethinking Civil Society Involvement in Peace Negotiation, Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution, Abingdon: Routledge



Jenss, Alke (2016): Grauzonen staatlicher Gewalt. Staatlich produzierte Unsicherheit in Kolumbien und Mexiko. Bielefeld: Transcript. Open Access