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Alke Jenss @ CLACSO in Buenos Aires

The Congress with over 10.000 participants acquired the feeling of a festival, with the opening panels taking place in a stadium. Invited keynote speakers and participants came from all over the globe.

Alke Jenss moderated a symposium on today’s socio-political mobilization in Latin America with researchers Breno Bringel (State University of Rio de Janeiro), Julián Rebón (University of Buenos Aires) and Víctor Orellana (University of Chile). In her own talk, she presented her work on the relation between the expansion of extractive infrastructures, the state, and the only partially implemented peace accords in Colombia. The CLACSO Working Group on “the State in Latin America: Rupture and Restauration”, which Alke Jenss is a member of, organized a symposium on the Cycle of Disputed Neoliberalism and also met for a day of intense discussions.

ABI’s Alma fellows César Bazán and Juan Camacho each presented their work on the role of juridical actors in and state discourses in extractive projects.