Glawion, Dr. Tim (2024): „Quality, Access, and Voice in African Studies Publishing: Smoothing the Path to Bigger Changes“, in: Africa Spectrum, 59 (1), 3-9.
peer reviewed
peer reviewed
Kurze Beschreibung / Abstract:
As academics, we should constantly strive to deepen and broaden the knowledge base we create. As an academic journal, we should ask ourselves whose knowledge is published and who can read it. Finally, knowledge is not self-sustaining; it lives and breathes with those who share and receive it, and those who use it to induce change. In African Studies – understood as “transdisciplinary knowledge production concerning Africa or Africans” (Kessi et al., 2020: 272) – publishing must go beyond the tasks to be performed on a daily basis and reflect also on quality, access, and voice.
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Sprache: English
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