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State-led gentrification against the backdrop of Urban Authoritarian Practices: Introduction

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Fanton Ribeiro da Silva, Dr. Hugo / Dr. Alke Jenss / Dr. Aysegül Can (2024): „State-led gentrification against the backdrop of Urban Authoritarian Practices: Introduction“, in: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 48 (4), 689-696.
peer reviewed
Kurze Beschreibung / Abstract:

This collection of interventions unites academics hailing from Latin America, the Middle East, Europe and the United States, reintroducing discussions on authoritarian state tactics and coercion into urban renewal dialogues within urban studies. During our discussions, it became apparent that urban authoritarian tactics are crucial in contemporary state-led gentrification efforts. In this introduction to the series, we aim to merge research on authoritarian measures within neoliberalism with the literature concerning urban transformation and gentrification. By doing so, we bring urban studies into wider discussions regarding the overarching trend of authoritarianism on a global scale within sociology, political economy and international studies. 

Pieces by Stefano Portelli, Giorgia Mascaro, Bahar Sakizlioglu and Loretta Lees.

Forschungsbereich: Governance als Aushandlungsprozess
Sprache: English
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