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Transnational social fields of Italian Bangladeshis in Europe and beyond: Towards a new geography of ways of belonging

Population, Space & Place
Cover ABI-Working Paper zu "Domestic Interests of African States in EUAfrican “Return” Migration Cooperation: A Case Study on the Political Interests of State Actors in Ethiopia"

Domestic Interests of African States in EUAfrican “Return” Migration Cooperation: A Case Study on the Political Interests of State Actors in Ethiopia

Gichamo, Fikreab
ABI Working Paper
Cover of Erkan Tümkaya´s book "Migrant Lives"

Migrant Lives. Experiences of ʿAlawiness in Germany

J.B. Metzler/Springer

‘Migratising’ mobility: Coloniality of knowledge and externally funded migration capacity building projects in Niger

Cover des ABI Working Paper 25

The Local Turns in the Field of Migration

ABI Working Paper

The ‘gold standard’ for labour export? The role of civil society in shaping multi-level Philippine migration policies

Third World Quarterly